Attention: Oviedo/Winter Springs Residents Who Want To Lose 10-16lbs By Memorial Day

Summer is Coming...

Go into the summer looking and feeling fantastic with our 6-Week Summer Shred Transformation!

Save $50 right now by Entering your information below

What if you went into the summer...

  • Not avoiding family photos during summer vacation.

  • Feeling better in that one piece, tankini, bikini or sundress.

  • Not dreading the walking, hiking or activities planned for the summer.

  • Eliminating a bad habit and replacing it with a good one.

  • Being a healthier, happier person.

Wouldn’t that be awesome? Of Course It Would!

That’s Exactly Why We Do Our 6-Week Summer Shred

Transformation Starting April 17th!

That’s Exactly Why We Do Our 6-Week Summer Shred Transformation

Starting April 17th!

The Unofficial Start of summer (Memorial Day) Provides Us a Perfect Deadline to Drop Those Unwanted Pounds, Slim Down Your Waistline, Firm Up Your Muscles and Create An Upward Trajectory For Your Health & Fitness.

Save $50 right now by entering your information below

The Unofficial Start of summer (Memorial Day) Provides Us a Perfect Deadline to Drop Those Unwanted Pounds, Slim Down Your Waistline, Firm Up Your Muscles and Create An Upward Trajectory For Your Health & Fitness.

Save $50 right now by entering your information below

Hi, I’m Coach Dom, owner of Breakthrough Fitness.

Isn’t it funny how much we can accomplish the week before going on a vacation? We get our priorities at work done, get the house in order and everything else that needs to get done before we set off to rest and recharge the batteries.

The only thing that has changed is the deadline. The deadline of leaving on vacation provides us with a sense of urgency that wasn’t there the week before.

Deadlines also provide us a finish line to cross. It’s easy to see why a client will get fantastic results when their daughter's wedding comes up in a couple of months.

But, we don’t always have big events like weddings to spark motivation, so sometimes we need to take advantage of the ‘seasons’ of life.

Enter the beginning of summer.

It’s a perfect time to turn things up a bit by doing a deadline-driven challenge to ignite motivation and enthusiasm.  That’s why I created The Summer Shred Transformation.

Check out the results from some of our past transformations…

Hi, I’m Coach Dom, owner of Breakthrough Fitness.

Isn’t it funny how much we can accomplish the week before going on a vacation? We get our priorities at work done, get the house in order and everything else that needs to get done before we set off to rest and recharge the batteries.

The only thing that has changed is the Deadline. The deadline of leaving on vacation provides us with a sense of urgency that wasn’t there the week before.

Deadlines also provide us a finish line to cross. It’s easy to see why a client will get fantastic results when their daughter's wedding comes up in a couple of months.

But, we don’t always have big events like weddings to spark motivation, so sometimes we need to take advantage of the ‘seasons’ of life. Enter the beginning of summer.

It’s a perfect time to turn things up a bit by doing a deadline-driven challenge to ignite motivation and enthusiasm.  That’s why I created The Summer Shred Transformation.

Check out the results from some of our past transformations…

I guarantee you can make changes and get amazing results like this even if you’ve struggled or failed in the past…

AND It Doesn’t Require Extreme Workouts, Counting

Calories, Relying on Willpower or 


There are a lot of people who won’t accept the fact that any food can be part of a healthy diet.

There’s a good chance you’ve bought into a fad diet or elimination diet for fast results in the past.

There’s even a good chance you got results (weight loss, inches, etc).

There is also a really good chance those results disappeared because the diet was not sustainable for you. 

In my opinion, I think all foods should be eaten.

Learning how, when and why to eat the way you eat is how you figure out a healthy relationship with food.

Our health isn’t so fragile that a single food will make it better or worse. It always comes down to overall lifestyle.


You DO NOT need to cancel pasta, wine or cookies!

You DO NEED to WORK on getting better meals on the table and reducing exposure and frequency of certain foods if you want to lose weight and improve your overall health.


And this is how we’ve helped the people you see in these photos, get amazing results that don’t just go away once the challenge is over.

I lost 15lbs in 8 weeks during the

Fit in 42 challenge!

My favorite part of the program

was that I never felt deprived

with food. The nutrition plan was

sensible and simple. I also loved

the fact that I didn’t have to think

about any of the training. All I

did was show up like Coach Dom

mentioned and they took care of

the rest – Ron H.

I lost 15lbs in 8 weeks during the Fit in 42 challenge!

My favorite part of the program was that I never felt deprived with food. The nutrition plan was

sensible and simple. I also loved the fact that I didn’t have to think about any of the training. All I

did was show up like Coach Dom mentioned and they took care of the rest – Ron H.

Reduce Stress

Gain Self-confidence

Increased Strength

Better Stamina

Lose Fat

Improve Flexibility

Lose fat

Gain Self-confidence

Build Strength

Increase Stamina

Improve Flexibility

Enhance Life

Healthier living starts with a choice!

So, if you are ready to feel better than you have in years,
my team and I are ready to help you make the ULTIMATE


We are committed to changing lives, but we aren’t looking to pack our facility with

dozens of people and not be able to deliver the coaching and accountability

needed to get you the amazing results you want.  

That’s why we are only opening up 10 spots for new clients

to join us for this year’s Summer Shred Transformation.

As a wife and stay at home mom of 4 boys, I very rarely put myself first. I was always waiting for everything to be perfect before committing to changing my diet or exercising.

It was one excuse after another. The day my kids witnessed my embarrassment when I was denied access to ride a roller coaster because I did not fit in the seat was a huge wake up call for me.

I started Breakthrough Fitness with a 6-week challenge. I've never been a gym goer, so I was slightly hesitant and unsure of what to expect. Out of the gate, I was welcomed with open arms from not only the trainers, but the other gym members as well.

That was a big deal for me. I absolutely love the camaraderie! It was easy to get hooked. I am constantly motivated and setting new goals when I see fellow members crushing certain exercises that I struggle with.

Thanks to Dom and the rest of the BTF team, I was equipped with all the right tools and knowledge for success. I accomplished what I set out to do when I started that challenge. Not only did I lose weight and inches, I found a long lost confidence and drive that I have been missing

I haven't felt this good mentally or physically in a very long time. I still have a ways to go, but I am on the right track. And I'm going to keep on dancing all the way there! My life is forever changed and I am forever grateful. I also need to mention my ride or die, my mom, Debbie Wilder, for playing a huge role in my success.

There wouldn’t be a success story for me without her. She opened the BTF door for me and encouraged me to join the challenge with her. She has been my #1 motivator and workout partner. She always has my back and pushes me to do better. She is a beast in the gym and my biggest inspiration. With my Mom by my side, sharing recipes, keeping each other motivated and accountable we are unstoppable! - Brandi

As a wife and stay at home mom of 4 boys, I very rarely put myself first. I was always waiting for everything to be perfect before committing to changing my diet or exercising.

It was one excuse after another. The day my kids witnessed my embarrassment when I was denied access to ride a roller coaster because I did not fit in the seat was a huge wake up call for me.

I started Breakthrough Fitness with a 6-week challenge. I've never been a gym goer, so I was slightly hesitant and unsure of what to expect. Out of the gate, I was welcomed with open arms from not only the trainers, but the other gym members as well.

That was a big deal for me. I absolutely love the camaraderie! It was easy to get hooked. I am constantly motivated and setting new goals when I see fellow members crushing certain exercises that I struggle with.

Thanks to Dom and the rest of the BTF team, I was equipped with all the right tools and knowledge for success. I accomplished what I set out to do when I started that challenge. Not only did I lose weight and inches, I found a long lost confidence and drive that I have been missing

I haven't felt this good mentally or physically in a very long time. I still have a ways to go, but I am on the right track. And I'm going to keep on dancing all the way there! My life is forever changed and I am forever grateful. I also need to mention my ride or die, my mom, Debbie Wilder, for playing a huge role in my success.

There wouldn’t be a success story for me without her. She opened the BTF door for me and encouraged me to join the challenge with her. She has been my #1 motivator and workout partner. She always has my back and pushes me to do better. She is a beast in the gym and my biggest inspiration. With my Mom by my side, sharing recipes, keeping each other motivated and accountable we are unstoppable! - Brandi

Imagine what it would be like to know exactly
what to do for your fitness goals.

The Summer Shred Transformation

Fat-Burning Nutrition

A firm, but flexible plan that is simple and sensible. We map out the entire 6-weeks (broken down into 2-week blocks for clarity and focus). You won’t be crash-dieting or doing anything extreme!
Simply follow the plan and you’ll drop the weight, GUARANTEED (see below for details).

Weekly accountability check-ins

Each week you’ll check in with your coach, so we know that the plan is being put into action. This allows us to have a conversation about the things you are doing great and the things that need to keep improving. You will turn “I know what to do” into “I am doing what I need to do”.

Progress Tracking

We track measurements, scale weight and use an article of clothing to gauge progress. We do not leave anything to chance!

Access to Group Sessions

In addition to your personal training sessions, you'll have access to our cardio-strength group sessions.

Flexible Scheduling

You choose the times that work best for you.

Summer Shred

Summer Shred private members-only Facebook Group filled with daily coaching, inspiration from our team and members

Fat Burning Strength Training sessions that light a fire under your metabolism and actually challenge you to make change.

  • 3 Semi-private personal training sessions each week where a coach is with you every step of the way, encouraging you to give your best effort (There is no substitute for effort).

  • Your program will match your goals, taking
    into consideration your abilities and any injuries or limitations you may have.
    We focus on all the things you can DO!

  • Training sessions will challenge your muscles and cardiovascular system, so you are burning extra calories up to 48 hours AFTER the workout is over!

That’s a lot of stuff!

As you can see, The Summer Shred is a comprehensive program that will get RESULTS FAST, but more importantly it’s sustainable, so you’ll keep the results
by continuing to implement what you’ve learned.

Program Details:

Program Start Date and End Date:

Monday, April 17th – May 26th

What you get:

  • 18 personal training
    sessions + group classes (if they are a good fit for you) - $498 value

  • 6-Week Fat burning
    nutrition plan - $199 value

  • 6- Weekly accountability/check-in meetings
    - $180 value

  • An awesome community of coaches and members that create a fun, atmosphere that makes the process enjoyable
    – Priceless!

Total Value: $877

Investment: $398 or two payments of $199

So, if you are ready to totally transform the way you look and feel going into the summer, then I strongly recommend you join The Summer Shred Transformation by clicking on the button below

I Almost Forgot To Mention…

Your Investment in This Rapid-Results Program
is 100% Guaranteed!

We know that saying you can transform your body and health in just

42 days is a pretty big claim. It’s understandable if you’re a bit skeptical.

So how about this:

“We Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is with a 100% Rock Solid

If you participate in our 6 Week Program, follow the training and nutrition plans as laid out by our certified professionals and you still aren't happy with your results at the end, we will give you a 100% refund no questions asked. We are so confident in our program that we are offering this guarantee just for participating

Sound fair?

Good. Then you have nothing to lose by joining the week six program for yourself. Click the button below and get started now!

Copyright © 2023 Breakthrough Fitness. All rights reserved